
The academic session commences on April 1 every year. The school is structured in three levels,

  • Junior School, grade 4-6
  • Middle School, grade 7-9
  • Senior School grade 10-12

The curriculum encourages students to understand basic concepts and develop a base through which to inform their approach to higher learning. Project and activity based learning are introduced in the Junior School even while classroom pedagogy becomes content centric. 

Students are trained to become independent learners and approach a subject hands-on. The Research Lab and the Learning Resource Center become vehicles towards realising these. Subject specific laboratories for Science, English, Mathematics and Geography provide more legroom for focussed learning. 

Additionally, we also offer certificate language courses in German and French. It's widely accepted that learning a new language helps one acquire better comprehension and concentration skills alongside opening a window to a whole new world of literature and culture.

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